Begins March 17th @ 8pm.
Ends March 18th @ 7am (after breakfast).
Glory House International
111 N. Chestnut St. Rochester NY 14604

Have you ever been around someone full of faith that caused your faith to grow? Wildly passionate believers who have experienced Yahusha’s love, grace, and peace just can’t contain it, nor should they. This fire for the lord is to be poured out just like His promise to pour out His Spirit on ALL flesh. We see in the bible many examples of people responding to the faith, or the fire of believers they have come in contact with. Below are a few examples and a couple of scriptures: John 4:25-30, 39 & Psalm 34:1-2.
Have you ever been around someone full of faith that caused your faith to grow?
Wildly passionate believers who have experienced Yahushua’s love, grace, and peace just can’t contain it, nor should they.
This fire for the Lord is to be poured out just like His promise to pour out His Spirit on ALL flesh.

The Expect FIRE 2023 overnight conference is a multiple entrada statement as we believe 2023 is the year for believers to not only increase the fervor of their fire but to start fires and stoke the flames of others. Believers and people alike who are looking for a boost, looking to go deeper, looking to discover their gifts and identity, looking to hear from The Most High, looking to fellowship amongst the saints, looking to experience The Most High in a new way, looking to come out of their comfort, looking for deliverance, looking for their healing… You get it.
““But one who is more powerful than I will come... He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit & fire.” ”
We decree and declare renewed strength as you hope in The Lord.
Isaiah 40:31
We decree and declare that every weary soul shall be replenished.
Jer. 31:25
We decree and declare your hunger and thirst for righteousness shall grow and you shall be FILLED!
Matthew 5:6

Begins March 17th @ 8pm.
Ends March 18th @ 7am (after breakfast).
Glory House International
111 N. Chestnut St. Rochester NY 14604
This is a free event to attend. We also ask for you to prayerfully consider making a donation to cover event costs such as guest speakers and other expenses.